If you want to analyse the Vendavo Pricemart data in Vendavo Profit Advisor, use Vendavo Pricemart Data Extractor that exports the data from Vendavo Pricemart in the format that Vendavo Profit Advisor expects.

Data File & Format

The file that contains your data must conform to the following formats.

Rule Format Description and Examples
File type



  • A compressed file format is supported for you to efficiently upload large files or multiple data files. 
    • You must use a .zip file. No other compressed file format is supported.
    • A .zip file can't contain another .zip file.
  • If you create and save a data file on Mac OS, you need to Save As the .csv file using the line ending characters supported by Vendavo Profit Advisor, such as LF or CR+LF.
File size  n/a A data file must be 500MB or smaller in size.
Field separator comma (,) TX1234, 10-AUG-13
Field encloser double quotes
(" ")
"TX1234", "10-AUG-13"
Escape character double quote
3"" Nail
Header row hash (#) The line starting with the '#' character and immediately preceding the data is considered the header row. In the example below, the line 4 will be treated as the column header.

#a comment.
#ID, Customer, Qty

Comment row hash (#) The non-header lines that start with a '#' character will be considered as comments and will be ignored. In the above example, the line 1, 2, and 3 are comment rows and will not be uploaded.

Data Requirements

Mandatory Field Data

Rule Description
Non-empty values The following required fields must contain non-empty values:
  • Transaction ID
  • Transaction Date
  • Product
  • Sold to Customer
  • Order Currency
  • Unit of Measure
Non-zero values The following field must contain non-zero values:
  • Order Quantity

Waterfall Data Requirements

Rule Description
Total values

All waterfall element values must represent the total value for the whole transaction. Per unit and percent values are not allowed.

Optional pricepoints
  • If you do not provide a value for an optional pricepoint, the value is calculated.
  • If you provide an optional pricepoint value, the provided value is validated against the calculated value. If the provided and calculated values do not match, an error is returned, and this transaction record is not uploaded. For example, if you provided the following values for a transaction, this transaction record would cause an error and not uploaded.

Market Price = $10
Negotiated Discount = $2
Customer Negotiated Price Adjustment = $3
Customer Negotiated Price = $6

(Market Price - Negotiated Discount - Customer Negotiated Price Adjustment ) <> Customer Negotiated Price 

Non-zero value

In each transaction record, at least, one of the following key pricepoints must have a non-zero value. Otherwise, a validation error returns during data upload, and the record is not uploaded.

  • Invoice Price
  • Pocket Margin
Cost of Goods Sold

The value in the Cost of Goods Sold field must be less than or equal to 0.

Order Quantity and Invoice Price In each transaction record, the values for Order Quantity and Invoice Price must have the same sign, positive or negative. For example, if an Invoice Price value is -100, the corresponding Order Quantity value must be a negative number.

Numeric Fields

Rule Description
Negative numbers

Negative numbers should carry a minus sign, for example, -10. No other format is accepted for negative numbers. A sign is not required for positive numbers.

Empty numeric value

An empty value in a numeric field is converted to 0.

Special Characters

Rule Description
Record values that start with a hash (#) character

The record values that start with a hash character must be enclosed in double quotes. For example, the product name, #3 Bolts, must be enclosed in double quotes as "#3 Bolts" in the data file.

Record values that contain a field separator character (,)

The record values that contain a comma (,) character must be enclosed in double quotes. For example, the product name, Nuts, Screws & Bolts, must be enclosed in double quotes as "Nuts, Screws & Bolts" in the data file.

Record values that contain an escape character (")

The record values that contain a double quote (") character must be escaped with another double quote. For example, the product name, 3" Nail, must be specified as 3"" Nail in the data file.

Other Requirements

Rule Description
Same field label

Each time you upload data, use the exactly same field labels in your data file as appeared in the template.

Unique Transaction ID

Transaction IDs must be unique within a .csv data file. 

Date format

Date values must be in the  "dd-MON-yyyy" format, for example, 17-AUG-2012.

Empty value in optional fields

In optional fields, do not specify empty values with "N/A" or "NULL." Leave empty values blank.