Modal Dialogs

We have two types of Modal Dialogs. Regular Dialogs fit more content and are suitable for dialogs with forms. Confirmation dialogs are for simple confirmations of a user action. A modal contains a header, body, and set of actions in the footer.

Regular Modal Dialogs

Use a regular dialog for displaying a significant amount of content, larger forms or interactions. This dialog is also the foundation for wizards

Technical Notes

Use data-toggle="modal" data-target="#IDofModal" as the trigger to open a dialog. The modal html should contain the matching className or ID id="IDofModal".

Include data-backdrop="static" in the modal to disable closing by clicking the backdrop.


Code Snippet




Confirmation Modal Dialogs

Confirmation dialogs can contain up to 2 buttons. The first button is a .btn-default and the last is .btn-secondary. If there is only one button on a confirmation use .btn-primary as it is a primary action.

Technical Notes

Use data-toggle="modal" data-target="#IDofModal" as the trigger to open a dialog. The modal html should contain the matching className or ID id="IDofModal".

Include data-backdrop="static" in the modal to disable closing by clicking the backdrop.


Code Snippet




Modal dialog wizards build off a regular modal dialog. We extend the dialog by adding additional buttons for "back" capability on the subsequent pages after page one. We should also be able to go directly to a certain "page" or "step". For example, when a wizard is taking the user through a first time operation we will show step one, however if they have already completed the wizard previously another action button on an application page can take them directly to a certain step in the wizard.

Technical Notes

Use data-toggle="modal" data-target="#IDofModal" as the trigger to open a dialog. The modal html should contain the matching className or ID id="IDofModal".

Include data-backdrop="static" in the modal to disable closing by clicking the backdrop.



We will add animation later as part of polish.

Angular Dialog Wizard

Code Snippet


Partner Supplier
//BEGIN: JavaScript SNIPPET angApp.controller('ModalCtrl', ['$scope', '$window', function($scope, $window) { //Create controller as view model //We can easily refer back to this controller //in later modal pages var vmModal = this; vmModal.modalData = {}; vmModal.modalData.numModalPages = 3; vmModal.modalData.modalPage = 1; vmModal.modalData.quoteSource = 'partner'; vmModal.nextPage = function(){ vmModal.modalData.modalPage++; }; vmModal.lastPage = function(){ vmModal.modalData.modalPage--; }; vmModal.submitForm = function(){ }; }]); //END: JavaScript SNIPPET