
Font Awesome

We use Font Awesome for our icons. It is a web font which gives us high resolution icons for retina screens. Visit the cheatsheet for the correct class names and to view available icons.

How to use

ou can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere using the CSS Prefix fa and the icon's name. Font Awesome is designed to be used with inline elements (we like the <i> tag for brevity, but using a <span> is more semantically correct).


<i class="fa fa-icon-name"></i>

Custom Icons (Icomoon)

We create custom web font icons using the Icomoon web app. Below is the current set of custom icons. To implement a custom font, use the Font Awesome class fa in conjunction with the custom class name.


<i class="fa icon-custom-name"></i>

Icon Class Name

How to create custom icons

Download the Paradata Custom Icon JSON file to be uploaded to Icomoon. This file preserves the existing icon set. After uploading you can add additional custom icons to the existing set. After uploading additional icons be sure to re-download the JSON file with this updated custom icon set.

Preserve the "icon-" prefix when you name your custom icons through Icomoon.