
A form is a collection of labels and input fields on a single page, panel or dialog. Try to keep forms as semantic as possible and consider hidden HTML tags that aid in accessibility.

Field Styling

Field Styles

Below are the different styles of fields. Editable, required, active, error, disabled and read-only fields. You can also disable an entire group by applying disabled to the fieldset. Read more here.

The editable field contains a placeholder. When you are in focus and type 1 character it disappears and replaces with the character typed. Also, when any field contains a value and focus is put on it the value is highlighted through javascript

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Form Layouts

Horizontal Form

Horizontal forms have labels to the left of the input fields. Use the class .form-horizontal on the <form> element.

Specify Price Type
Quote Source
Specify Price Set Information
Map Fields
Our Fields
Import from Price File
Item Number
Cost for 1000 units

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Vertical Form

Using no class on the <form> element will bring the labels above the input fields.

Content here...

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Two Column Form

Using .row on the <form> element and wrapping fields in a .col-md-6 will give a two column layout.

Form Title

Form Group Headline

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Form Errors

Form with Errors

Utilize the bootstrap class .has-error on the .form-group wrapper to call out errors.

Tap on the error icon to view the error message. A bootstrap popover was used and binded to the .field-indicator.

Form Title

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