
Font Family

We use the custom web font "Lato" from Google Fonts and the system default font Helvetica Neue (Mac) or Helvetica (Windows).

Font Family Used For
Lato H1-H6
Helvetica Neue Body text, links, navigation

Font Sizing

Establish a visual and semantic hierarchy by nesting headings correctly. For example, an H3 follows an H2 when it denotes a section contained within the H2's content. Don't skip to an H4 after an H2, etc. Don't use headings arbitrarily based on their presentation.

Element Font sizes Description

h1 - First-level Heading


The main page heading is a h1 element.

h2 - Second-level Heading


The secondary heading is a h2 element.

h3 - Third-level Heading


The heading is a H3 element, which may be used after an h2 heading in the document hierarchy

h4 - Fourth-level heading


The heading is a H4 element, which may be used after an H3 heading in the document hierarchy
h5 - Fifth-level heading
14px uppercase
The heading is a H5 element, which may be used after an H4 heading in the document hierarchy
h6 - Sixth-level heading
12px uppercase
The heading is a H6 element, which may be used after an H5 heading in the document hierarchy
This is a paragraph, using Helvetica Neue, with 12px font size and 1.42857143 line height. 13px

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi, natus! Ducimus modi fuga totam, sed itaque ad praesentium voluptate facilis! Repudiandae enim quaerat, nulla culpa, cupiditate tempora! Nihil, earum, esse!